Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Matrix has you. Damn Sony.

Been a long time since I last blogged. Was so busy at work and almost died from working 2 consecutive days in a row.

Here's some interesting news, Sony invented a battery that runs on Sugar.

Remember the movie Matrix? The machines have to use humans as an energy source after we've has blocked off solar power. After Sony's invention, they can now use sugar instead. >_<

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

F U back, Uwe Boll

You make crappy game movies, then you can't accept criticisms.

Wired wrote a review about the Postal movie and this is what Uwe Boll said:

your review shows me only that you dont understand anything about movies and that you are a untalented wanna bee filmmaker with no balls and no understanding what POSTAL is. you dont see courage because you are nothing. and no go to your mum and fuck her ...because she cooks for you now since 30 years ..so she deserves it.
people like you are the reason that independent movies have no chance anymore.
uwe boll
PS: POSTAL is R RATED . The MPAA understood the satire -- you not -- you dumb fuck"


Thursday, August 9, 2007

MGS4: Better than sex?

Click on the small arrow on the bottom right corner to zoom and view the subs properly.

InDirect download here

Monday, August 6, 2007